
Monday, July 15, 2013

Relax....Zentangle for your mind like mental yoga

 Tanking a break from my usual links to great art lessons today because I have a technique or style for you to try, and it is an argument for saving art education. So while many places are cutting budgets and getting rid of art and music programs in the process, here is another way that  the arts can help expand your mind, Zentangle.

This image is available for sale on Etsy.

Yes, Zentangle.
What is a Zentangle? From, "Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Almost anyone can use it to create beautiful images. It increases focus and creativity, provides artistic satisfaction along with an increased sense of personal well being. The Zentangle method is enjoyed all over this world across a wide range of skills, interests and ages.
We believe that life is an art form and that our Zentangle method is an elegant metaphor for deliberate artistry in life.
We invite you to explore our web site and learn more about this wonderful and uplifting method and artform."
 Further in their website I found this quote that I just loved.


At all age levels, whether in public, private or home school environments, Zentangle can improve:
  • Handwriting
  • Eye/hand coordination
  • Creativity and personal expression
  • Problem solving
  • Cross-cultural understanding, using various cultural symbols such as Indian henna patterns, Celtic knotting, Zuni pottery, Maori tattoos or Islamic tiling.
  • Relaxation and focus
  • Confidence
Moreover, Zentangle's method can be enjoyed by many ages simultaneously in a group setting. This can be particularly useful in educational settings where different age groups regularly interact, such as Montessori and home school environments."

I found this amazing butterfly Here.

So many kids have issues with their focus and this would be a great way to help encourage them to expand their focus with drawing.  How amazing would it be if it was used as a therapy? 
As for where a Zentangle would end up in the elements of art that I have been discussing on the blog, it falls under line. You are using lines to create in this type of drawing. 
Zentangle can just be a expanded pattern doodle  you make while on the phone or it can be an entire work of art. It is up to you. 
It is a great example of how art can help you relax. 
Want to learn more about Zentangle? Try this great Pinterest board, and this Pinterest board that I found. 

This is so beautiful. 
 I found this here.
Not all Zentangle is complex, here is an  example of a simple Zentangle design. I know I have randomly doodled and came up with a few interesting designs before, so it is easy and fun.
I found this here. A great example of simple zentangle.

 So go try it, and as always I would love to do a reader post on art that my readers have created. Please get permission from your parents if you are a kid like me, and email your art to my mom at and mom will help me make a post showcase. 
I am going to make a Zentangle to share. 

Remember Mimi says that artists should try new techniques to expand on their artists tools. 

Love Saige.

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