
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mona Lisa Smile

Mona Lisa is such a famous painting. Her smile has been inspiration for many the poet, musician, and artist alike. Here is a fun Mona Lisa inspired project. I am going to refer you to this blog post at Art Projects for Kids. org You will need some black markers or pens with different thickness points and the print-out from the blog. You simply add the rest of Mona Lisa, all you have is her face and hands. I think this could be fun, imagine what Mona Lisa could be doing today. She could be an astronaut, or a princess, or in the WNBA, or in an American Girl Store buying a cool Saige Doll... LOL. The possibilities are endless.

Have some fun with this project, and don't forget that I would still love some of your art sent to me at so I can do a reader submission post.
Get permission though first!


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