
Friday, November 22, 2013

It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas.... ( and other holidays)

I have been pretty bad about blogging lately. I have no real excuse. Ummm, perhaps I need to stop messing with mom's smart phone so much and playing games. Sorry.

Well the end of my reign as Girl of the Year is almost over. I am not sure if I should keep doing the art or if Candace or Kaya or Rose should take over the blog for some time. Not sure Kaya ever will take over, she is not sure what the computer is and is a bit afraid of it. She time traveled from the 1800's after all. Most of the technology frightens her. She prefers her buckskin dress to the modern clothes the rest of us wear. I don't know if she can type even. Hmm might need to teach her.

In the mean time, I hope that you have been practicing. Art is all about practice, and self expression.
It does not mean everyone will like what you create as we all have different taste.

So my assignment for you is Make some holiday cards. I am using the generic "Holiday" in place of Christmas because I will not presume that you celebrate it. However, what ever winter holiday you choose, MAKE SOME CARDS.... it is a great way to get some art time and make a unique one of a kind card for someone special, or better yet multiple someone's.

Don't have anyone to give them to? Sure you do. Find a nursing facility near you and take them in. Many patients in nursing facilities do not have many visitors. A card is a wonderful piece of cheer to share with them and a way to let them know that other people think of them.

Another place is a Children's wing of the hospital near you.

If you attend religious services, they may have a list of shut in's and Usually the religious officiant will go to visit them, some hand made cards from you would be a nice thing to take to them.

You have family I would think. Aunties love some art.

Share your art, even if you don't think it is good there are people who will appreciate your time and effort.

I would have mentioned the US Military as well, however there are many restraints on that program. There is a deadline so I think we may have missed it. If  not I encourage you to make cards for the military as well, We did that at 4-H. If you live in an area with a Base or have ties to an American Legion it may be easier to accomplish.
Whoever you choose to share your art and joy with this holiday season I know they will appreciate it.

Stamps and cut outs and scrapbooking embellishments can make it fun as well. If you scrapbook and you design pages that is art, remember , art is everywhere.



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