
Monday, August 18, 2014

New series in art lessons... Photography

Photography is a really broad subject as art. What you are doing is using the digital camera or film (those relics do exist still but not in as much use as they were just ten years ago) to record the light as it reflects off an object. This holds true for both black and white and color photography.

However in today's world I am going to assume that for the most part, most people are using digital cameras (cell phones, tablets, what have you) Digital photography has so many aspects that we can cover. so we can have a big series on better photography.

There are some advantages to digital photography. Once you have made the initial purchase of your equipment you are not paying for film and developing to just see what you have. It also eliminates the wait time involved with film development. The cost of the chemicals needed to develop the film is also eliminated.

My mom took two different black and white photography classes and I got to see her old film canister. (we sold it last summer) It had a wire coil inside a metal canister with a black plastic lid that had a really strange bump on top. I can't imagine standing in compete darkness trying to wind the film into that coil and only touching the edges because if you touched it incorrectly you ruined the film.  So many things to go wrong.

Of course I do realize that the downfall of digital photography would be a digital memory fail of some sort. However if care is taken it is still the simpler way to photography,

We are first going to talk about taking photo's of dolls...or other inanimate objects....hey wait I am so not inanimate. Well you know short people like me.

This is a great photo mom took of my sister Beth. While you don't see her face you get the feeling she was riding along on her board and mom caught that great shadow in it as well. 
She was standing still and the breeze blew her hair giving it a feeling of motion. (lucky shot mom, lol)

What mom?

I was just told not to bust my mom's photography skills. Truthfully she does ok. 

So in next post we will talk about lighting a photograph.


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