
Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Brother's Birthday Gift

August 30th is my brother Andy's birthday. He is going to be 7. He got his camping gear for his birthday and we gave him that early. He is also getting a new pet. He decided he wanted a bird. While he was out with Kendall this afternoon, Mom and I had the bird out here at home, and we were playing with him. We have to keep the bird hidden and since it is a parrot this is hard. He says "Hello" often. We have to keep him at a friends house until Andy's big day. He is also getting another kitten. Andy really loves his animals. He has a horse and a cat named Ginger and fish and hamsters and now a second cat and a bird. Andy is going to have a zoo soon. 

For a kid turning 7, he is very responsible. He has a high IQ and he does need some help with caring for his zoo, but he is very good about it. He can do much of it on his own. He needs help with cleaning the litter pans, stable, and food dishes, but he knows how much food they are suppose to get. I believe he will grow up to do something with animals. Maybe he will be a vet. He is home schooled and he breezes through his work, it comes easy to him. Then he can care for all his pets and he plays with them. I have a great brother. This guy will get a bunch of love. All the other kids enjoy Andy's pets too.

Our humans have a dog, she is a scottie dog named Bonnie, and Bonnie, it would seem had pet sea-monkeys. (Ok they were my Human brother's but they need to get indirect sunlight and the best place is the kitchen window sill and Bonnie stands up at the window sill and watches them, so we joke they are her pets now, lol)

I'll add more pet pictures this week, I promise!

Do you have many pets, just one, or none?

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