
Friday, August 10, 2012

My sister Rosemarie and my brother Andy's backyard camping

Meet Rosemarie...

She is my newest sister. We either call her Rose or Roza for short. She is a very kind person. Today, our human brother went to camp and our doll brother Andy felt left out. Rose set up the tent in our yard and took Andy camping in our yard. I took photos of them, because it was so cute.
Rose is a bit older than both Andy and myself. She already knows how to shoot an arrow. Rose is really great at Archery, so she took some time to teach Andy.
One of Andy favorite foods is hot dogs, so Rose cooked them for their dinner over the campfire she built in the yard. Andy thought they were the best hot dogs he ever ate.
She served them some healthy bananas because she decided to keep the camp out food simple.
They used the camp fire pop corn popper to pop some delicious pop corn. It gets a smokey flavor when you cook it on the camp fire. Then Rose put it in a bowl so they did not burn themselves on the hot popper.
No camp out is complete with out toasting marshmallows.

And, when you toast marshmallows, then you need to make them into smores.
It was getting to be Andy's bed time, so Rose and Andy crawled into the tent to go to sleep. I then came in to upload the camera, of course :). I don't camp. I am far to girly to enjoy that.

Rose is much tougher than I am. She already graduated from St. Vladimirs Academy and she is employed already as a body guard for a queen. Andy is very safe tonight.

Well I hope you enjoyed meeting my newest sister.
Beth <3

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