
Friday, January 11, 2013

Oh wow! I have not blogged in a long time...

I am so sorry that I have not blogged in such a long time! Mom's laptop has been overheating super easy so it seemed like she was trying to work on it or it was overheated and cooling down. She thinks she is going to have to put a new fan in it. It is not that old but of course out of warranty.

I got a really bad cold before Christmas. I was super sad because Mom and the boys went to the park the one Saturday before Christmas it was soo warm, and Rose and Candace got to go. I stayed home since I was so sick and Emily the baby had it too so she stayed with me. We couldn't even watch tv because the satellite for our tv was getting new receivers, blah boring day that was. The boys and my sisters played Polar Express at the park they have this cool wooden train structure. They took some photos, have to see what happened to them when Rose gets home.

Emily got her first American Girl Doll, She got Felicity. She was so excited that Santa got her a doll. I love my littlest sister, she is so cute and funny. She won't take her doll out of the box she is afraid of ruining her. I am working on her that she can play with her doll, but it is taking some time she just sits there and stares at the box, I guess she is overwhelmed. LOL she is so funny. She has no problem taking Avery's toys to play with though.

Andy and Kendall got a dog for Christmas. His name is Toasty. He is a sweet dog and so cute. We all like him and play with him even though Santa brought him for the boys. They share....they have to, we do outnumber them.

Mom did not win the fashion design contest, but they are going to do another one and we are going to enter again. I am hungry for a win, so I am going to push mom extra hard. We are going to enter some other contests through the year as well so I promise that I'll be better about blogging.

I sometimes don't know what to say and I don't want to be boring. Sometimes my life is pretty boring and I mean that in a good way. It is calm like.

Well I gotta run, I need to go feed the cats with Avery and Andy. TTYL

Love, Beth

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