
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Woah, where to begin. Ok well I am Saige, and I am really new to this. As you may already know this was my sister Beth's blog. She had not been feeling well for the last several months and has not blogged . She asked me to take over and hopefully inspire people to create.

I love art. Art is all around us. Even the clothing you are wearing is a textile art, someone had to draft the design's pattern and make the clothing, even in a factory. The cartoon you love the most is a form of art. Music is an art too even if I can not sing. Seriously, I have been asked to stop on several occassions.

You can find art in your world, think of what you pass that would make a photograph that is pleasing to look at, perhaps a farm, a big skyscraper, a wooded area. You do not have to be great at drawing to make art. Photographs are art too. You can edit photographs on line soo easily for free there are several places that you can use their sites to make cool effects happen.

I hope I can inspire you all to make some beautiful art.

I am going to give everyone some simple lessons and art projects that they can try their hand at to see if they can flex their art muscles and practice and remember, EVERYTHING IN LIFE WORTH DOING TAKES PRACTICE!  Art, sports, music, dance, even homework is a form of practice. I did art all the time from a small child with my grandma to get as good as I am today, and my adopted mom practiced her flute for hours to be as great as she is today. Like they said in the original Fame movie "You want Fame? Well, Fame costs and right here is where you start paying in sweat." and I love that line because it tells you that you need to practice, even those of us with natural talents need to practice.

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