
Monday, December 19, 2011

Wow it's almost here

December flew by. It seems like it was just Thanksgiving. I am so looking forward to Christmas with my new family.

We have been a busy bunch. Mom made the boy's a set of bunk beds. It is so cool. I like to hang out on them as well. There is going to be an upcoming blog post about them in January and I will share the link to them.

I have been busy as well.I am learning to knit. I hope I can get the boys some blanket's finished before Christmas. I have half of one done and I did all of it in one day, so it might happen. I am making super soft fuzzy blankets. I hope the boys like them.

This is a short post, I need to finish the blankets  and time is a ticking, so I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa.

Love <3