
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Contest....check it out

Wow, I'd love another sister. I would like Kaya to be my sister, or Julie, Ivy, or Rebecca. I'd also like the doll known as number 24 for a sister, and Caroline is so pretty. McKenna is almost my twin, we'd be so cool together... oh wait what? Darn these guys would cost a lot of money to adopt. Wish we could get them all.

Want a chance to win one of them? (I'd tell you that the Elizabeth American Girl doll is the best and you should pick her but she's retired. I was Elizabeth in my former life. I had the fancy gowns, pincurls, Felicity... ahh I was so beautiful when I was new. Now I am living a modern life as Beth and I do love it here. Those Colonial gowns were restrictive.)

If you would like to win a doll go to The Doll Wardrobe Blog  and read the rules. Enter if you're 18 or get a parent (or two) and a grandma, aunt, uncle, grandpa. neighbor, anyone who loves you to help you out as it is one entry per person.

I think I would pick Kaya. No, Julie, Ivy? Well I guess I should stop the self torture as to who I would add to the family first.

Go, Enter!

Beth <3