
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Photo Editing fun...

So it is nearly October and I along with my doll and human siblings are thinking and talking about Halloween. I love Halloween, being something else for a while is fun. My one brother really likes to be things that are not alive , such as a board game, a lego brick, an ice cream cone, an M&M... and yes he really has been all these things in the past. My other human brother has been less crazy things, a doctor, Woody from Toy Story, Hedwig from Harry Potter, and he was also a Lego brick and a M&M, but that was because the older one talked him into going as a set.  Even my doll brother Andy has dressed up as a Lego brick, that is a household favorite. I have a princess and a native american costume that I share with my 2 sisters. So you just know we need to find a third costume before we have a fight. Technically, we have 2 of the medevil gowns so we can both wear one of them, one is sleeveless the other has sleeves but they are identical otherwise. Last year I went as a paper doll, how funny is that? A doll dressed as a paper doll, LOL! That costume was just poster board so it has been recycled since it was a bit creased. Hard to sit in that I tell you.

So here is the easiest way to costume, take an existing photo of yourself and Halloween edit it! Picmonkey has some cool tools!

I am so ready for my Twilight audition, I want to play the bad Vampire that is hunting Bella and starts the newborn army called Victoria, and I have the hair for it.

For this one all I have to scream is "I'm Melting, I'm Melting" Wicked Witch, eat your heart out.

Or I could be a she demon.

I am just in a Halloween scene in the next photo.

Haha on this one I just changed my eyes... but I like it.

and the photo of the hour, ZOMBIE! A doll zombie is funny. "BRAAAIIINS BRAAAIIINS"

If you edit yourself send me a link I'd love to see you Halloweened up.

Love <3


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

123 Mulberry Street Outfit, Cool!

Today I had a wonderful surprise in the mail. The outfit that I won from Karen Mom of Three's Blog and 123 Mulberry Street on Etsy came today. Wanna see it? It is called "Skater Girl" and here is the Blog post where you could enter.

Here I am modeling it. I swiped Avery's mini skate board to use while Mom took my photo. He is a great brother though so I am sure he won't mind. It was kind of fun to ride and just a wee bit too big for me, but it is sort of small for him now.

Pretty Cool, huh?

123 Mulberry Street also designs patterns that are sold on Liberty Jane Patterns. You can find all the 123 Mulberry Street patterns for sale here, and sew up some as well.

Check out theses linky-doo's in the purple, you won't regret it.

Well, soon I will show you all what Mom, Rose and I have been hard at work on. We nearly have it all put together, just a few more photos are needed.

Beth <3

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Modeling again.

Well it is only a cell phone pic and Mom's camera doesn't take the best photo's but how cute is this costume that Mom made her friend Karen for her dolls? Of course, I tried it on for Mom. (yeah that is torture, Haha, NOT! I love clothes.) It is Uhura's dress from classic Star Trek. Suitable for Halloween. 

Umm... Mom? Where is my Halloween costume? (I can always be Merida from Brave.)

Dad loved it but he is a Trekkie. Once he took Mom to a Trek Con. She said it was interesting. They also went to Star Trek the experience in Vegas on their Honeymoon. (Mom liked that a bit more.)

Well I have Halloween on the brain. I know what Avery is going to be he bought his costume when he was back to school shopping, he is going as Bumblebee from the Transformers. I can be Merida and Rose can be a Native American. Andy can be a Jedi and Kendall can be Darth Vader. Katie needs a costume though. Hmmm, guess Mom will need to work on that. Ryan wants to be something inanimate again. He likes to win costume contests. Mom made him a soft serve ice cream cone and the game Operation so far that won him contests. I think he did win for the Native American costume that Poppa and Mom made him. He looked so cute in that. Ryan was also a Lego once that mom made. That costume was recycled though.

I think Mom has to top her last few costumes so she best get her thinking cap on. 

I'll post a photo of Ryan when Halloween rolls around. 

Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone!!

Love, Beth <3

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Andy turned 7!

Andy and Avery turned 7 on Thursday. We had a little party of the family all ready when Avery got home from school. The girls and I wrapped Andy's gifts.
We posed after we wrapped them. Katie, Emily Rose (standing) and I. I love what is in the box on my lap. So CUTE!!! (that will be a post for another day)

We got all ready and hid behind the wall to surprise him. Then we sent him up to get Andy and he brought down some of the other kids, Joey and Blue.
(Baby Jaguar photo bombed this also, haha just noticed.)

Mom made Andy some pajamas that are red and cowboy print and found him a cowboy hat. We also got him a few toys some mystery pack action figures and a My Little Pony. He had a great day and loved his gifts.

Avery got his My Little Pony Train he was dying for. I think he is going to buy himself Canterlot Wedding set  with his birthday money because it is the only thing that is out that he does not have other than the play sets he missed because they were not out for long. Mommy learned that the hard way that she needs to get that stuff as soon as she sees it.

Poppa gave Avery his one gift early, his swim fin, and he got a watch and The Lorax.

Then we all went to Friendly's for dinner since Avery didn't want any more cake. He had cupcakes at his birthday party and at school. (Poppa was sad he wanted more birthday cake. Avery is not a cake person though.) I love Wattamelon Sherbert, so you know what I had.

We had fun with our birthday boys. He hugged us all.

I hope someone gets me some shoes for my birthday. I love shoes.

Well gotta run,
Beth <3