
Friday, December 7, 2012

The Doll Wardrobe Blog Fashion Design Challenge

Mom has been competing in the Doll Wardrobe Fashion Design Challenge and her second outfit it up for votes now. She has the prettiest model too! (If I do say so myself, lol)  My sister, Rose was the model in her first outfit.

I had so much fun working on that with Mom, she let me and my sister keep the clothing that she made during that contest. I love the hat and the jewelry, and the best part is many of the pieces you can mix and match.

Please, Please, Please, Please, Please (pretty please?) Vote for my mom in the contest. The prize is a new sister.  I so would love a new sister. We have not decided who we would pick as our new sister but mom could use another skinnier girl. Rose and I are both older and Pleasant company dolls so we are chubby compared to Candace. Shhh.... don't tell anyone and especially Rose that I said she was chubby... but compared to Candace, we are. Andy is too,

We have been super busy with orders in the shop, Mom has made many boots, hats and scarves this holiday season but in a few short days, that will be all over and we will be concentrating on getting ready for Christmas ourselves.

Hope your holidays are lovely,

Please vote!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

You know you want to win this trench coat...OMG I do!

Doll Diaries had so many contests going on right now, there is one practically every day. You  need to keep checking their website and I would follow them on Facebook because Char announces the contest of the day on there and you totally don't want to miss them.

Today they are giving away this AMAZING metallic trench coat from Trendy Dolls. You need to visit the blog post for all the details.

I wish you luck.

Love <3,

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Doll Room

Awesome give away on Doll Diaries!

They are giving a room away. I know my brother Andy would LOVE the red barn for his horse Big Mac.

You can check them out at American Doll Room.
You should enter this one. how awesome would that be to have some backgrounds in time for Christmas?

Gotta run, busy day!

Love <3

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Waiting on sunshine....

My sister Candace and I are anxiously awaiting a nice sunny day here on the east coast, because we can do some modeling then for mom. Mom has made this new sweater, she designed the pattern herself. It is a boat neck sweater and it is a pull over style sweater, she is almost finished with the third one. She has made white with an iridescent ahimmer, purple with purple shimmer and is finishing hot pink with hot pink shimmer. Mom is matching it up with a denim skirt and  her cute knit uggs that will totally match the sweater.

She has more tights and socks in the works and she is hoping to add a few new pieces that are still a surprise to me even. I can't wait for a sneak peek, but she took Candace up to her work room, probably because I have a big mouth and can't keep a secret, I blog it all, LOL.

I am so heartily sorry for all those that have lost their homes. I was homeless for a time until Mom adopted me, as were all of my sisters. While we were given up for adoption it is devastating. I truly pray for all of those that have lost everything to Sandy. Praying that you get back to some resemblance of normal soon. So hard not to have your home, having to live different places. Praying you had flood insurance as well.

Well, Mom just told me that she needs to write an email and she wants her computer back.

Love <3,

More Give Aways at Doll Diaries

Wow, I have been sooo busy entering contests this week, here are 2 more give aways at Doll Diaries, one is with The Queens Treasures and it is for an adorbs Winter Coat set, Baby Blue in color. My sister and I would totally fight over that, three of us have blue eyes and we'd all want it to match our eyes.

The other contest is with Dream World Collections and it is for a really cool cheerleader set in kinda Miami Dolphins Colors. I know some people who would be all over that color combination. It is very pretty. I would love to win either.

Go enter and Good Luck.

Love <3

Friday, November 2, 2012

Doll Diaries give away... Salon Chair

I so want to win this!

Doll Diaries is giving away a salon chair from My Doll's Life and I love it . It would be so much better for us to get our hair done. I also would love that bath tub, ahh just relaxing in it would be so awesome. I love spa day. If you want to try to win this cool chair then you have to visit the Doll Diaries Blog and follow the rules. Good Luck.

Love <3

Hope you had a Happy and Safe Halloween

Well, I do realize that there are so many people without power following that horrible Hurricane that just wrecked the east coat. I am really wondering how Inky is and a few of the other Dolls that I have chatted with up and down the east coast.  We took a doll family Halloween portrait of all of us dressed up. Rosemarie was Pocahantas, I was Merida, Katie was her favorie singer, Katy Perry, Candace went as Lindana (haha Phineas and Ferb reference) Kendall was Darth Vader and Andy was his absolute favorite guy, his hero, Obi Wan Kenobi. My brothers LOVE Star Wars, can you tell?

We had fun and some of us put the costumes back on today. LOL 

To those of you who have had losses due to the storm, we are very sorry for your losses and we pray for a quick recovery and that you are safe. 
If your Halloween was post-poned , please be safe when you do trick or treat.
Love <3,

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Clothes Give Away info

My new sister, Candace is best friends with Stacy who lives in Canada. This is Stacy.
 Stacy's mom is Karen of Karen Mom Of 3 Craft Blog, and they are giving away an outfit in a photo contest with Whoa It's Me an Etsy shop. They are asking that you send in a photo of your doll in an outdoor setting, and you can find out all the information on Karen's blog.

If you can guess where  Candace and Stacy's names came from message me.
If you figure it our you'll probably laugh.

Good luck to all who enter the contest!!

Love <3

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Last Day to Enter The Doll Diaries give away

I totally follow Doll Diaries, but we have been so busy around here with the impending impact of Hurricane Sandy hitting us hard that I missed their latest give away. So I wanted to let you know that if you see this there is still time today, 10/28/12 to enter the give away for The Queens Treasures Tea Cart.

OMG what doll would not love one of these? I could just imagine their tea sets on the cart in my house. 

My sisters and I would have so much fun playing with this, tea parties all the time.

The other item that The Queens treasures sells that I absolutely love it the  Shaved Ice Stand. Our friend Kanani did not get the one that American Girl sold last year for Christmas as they were sold out but this would be so cool for her and it would totally match her Hawaiian furniture.

So, go to the blog for the details on how to enter, and if you are in Sandy's path like we are, be safe!

Love, <3


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Meet the new Sister in the house....

Meet the newest sister in my family, Candace!!

We found her at Goodwill and adopted her, Mom gave her a check-up and she needed some surgeries on her hips and shoulders, but after she had those and she recovered she is as good as new.

Avery picked out her new name. She went through some trauma in her former life and she does not remember much about it. She has amnesia and can't remember her old name.

She is also happy to model for mom's shop. We are going to celebrate Halloween together so I am excited there is always more fun with another kid around.

See you all soon,

Beth <3

Monday, October 22, 2012

Please Vote for my Mom

My mom, with the help of  me and my sister Rosemarie,  has entered a Fashion Design Contest that The Doll Wardrobe Blog sponsored.

We really need your help... WE NEED VOTES!

The prize would be a new sister for us and we would really really love a new sister!

We even get to pick out who will be our new sister if we won and wow is that a crazy conversation. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE agrees who we should pick.

Here a photos of Rose wearing the first outfit... Rose

Ready for me in the second outfit?  Beth

Please please please vote for us!!

<3 Beth

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Special Coupon Code

So I just hacked into Mom's shop on Etsy, it's Lemonhead103 and I created a coupon code for everyone who reads my blog. It is BETHSBLOG and if you type that in at check out you will save 20 % off of your order.

Mom made some cool accessories and she's got some great hand painted Tshirts. She is adding new stuff every week. I think there are some hand made clothes coming soon. I know she's been hard at work creating.

Thar's a great looking model in those pics (haha just kidding it's me in some of my many hair styles and colors.)

<3 Beth

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Photo Editing fun...

So it is nearly October and I along with my doll and human siblings are thinking and talking about Halloween. I love Halloween, being something else for a while is fun. My one brother really likes to be things that are not alive , such as a board game, a lego brick, an ice cream cone, an M&M... and yes he really has been all these things in the past. My other human brother has been less crazy things, a doctor, Woody from Toy Story, Hedwig from Harry Potter, and he was also a Lego brick and a M&M, but that was because the older one talked him into going as a set.  Even my doll brother Andy has dressed up as a Lego brick, that is a household favorite. I have a princess and a native american costume that I share with my 2 sisters. So you just know we need to find a third costume before we have a fight. Technically, we have 2 of the medevil gowns so we can both wear one of them, one is sleeveless the other has sleeves but they are identical otherwise. Last year I went as a paper doll, how funny is that? A doll dressed as a paper doll, LOL! That costume was just poster board so it has been recycled since it was a bit creased. Hard to sit in that I tell you.

So here is the easiest way to costume, take an existing photo of yourself and Halloween edit it! Picmonkey has some cool tools!

I am so ready for my Twilight audition, I want to play the bad Vampire that is hunting Bella and starts the newborn army called Victoria, and I have the hair for it.

For this one all I have to scream is "I'm Melting, I'm Melting" Wicked Witch, eat your heart out.

Or I could be a she demon.

I am just in a Halloween scene in the next photo.

Haha on this one I just changed my eyes... but I like it.

and the photo of the hour, ZOMBIE! A doll zombie is funny. "BRAAAIIINS BRAAAIIINS"

If you edit yourself send me a link I'd love to see you Halloweened up.

Love <3


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

123 Mulberry Street Outfit, Cool!

Today I had a wonderful surprise in the mail. The outfit that I won from Karen Mom of Three's Blog and 123 Mulberry Street on Etsy came today. Wanna see it? It is called "Skater Girl" and here is the Blog post where you could enter.

Here I am modeling it. I swiped Avery's mini skate board to use while Mom took my photo. He is a great brother though so I am sure he won't mind. It was kind of fun to ride and just a wee bit too big for me, but it is sort of small for him now.

Pretty Cool, huh?

123 Mulberry Street also designs patterns that are sold on Liberty Jane Patterns. You can find all the 123 Mulberry Street patterns for sale here, and sew up some as well.

Check out theses linky-doo's in the purple, you won't regret it.

Well, soon I will show you all what Mom, Rose and I have been hard at work on. We nearly have it all put together, just a few more photos are needed.

Beth <3

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Modeling again.

Well it is only a cell phone pic and Mom's camera doesn't take the best photo's but how cute is this costume that Mom made her friend Karen for her dolls? Of course, I tried it on for Mom. (yeah that is torture, Haha, NOT! I love clothes.) It is Uhura's dress from classic Star Trek. Suitable for Halloween. 

Umm... Mom? Where is my Halloween costume? (I can always be Merida from Brave.)

Dad loved it but he is a Trekkie. Once he took Mom to a Trek Con. She said it was interesting. They also went to Star Trek the experience in Vegas on their Honeymoon. (Mom liked that a bit more.)

Well I have Halloween on the brain. I know what Avery is going to be he bought his costume when he was back to school shopping, he is going as Bumblebee from the Transformers. I can be Merida and Rose can be a Native American. Andy can be a Jedi and Kendall can be Darth Vader. Katie needs a costume though. Hmmm, guess Mom will need to work on that. Ryan wants to be something inanimate again. He likes to win costume contests. Mom made him a soft serve ice cream cone and the game Operation so far that won him contests. I think he did win for the Native American costume that Poppa and Mom made him. He looked so cute in that. Ryan was also a Lego once that mom made. That costume was recycled though.

I think Mom has to top her last few costumes so she best get her thinking cap on. 

I'll post a photo of Ryan when Halloween rolls around. 

Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone!!

Love, Beth <3

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Andy turned 7!

Andy and Avery turned 7 on Thursday. We had a little party of the family all ready when Avery got home from school. The girls and I wrapped Andy's gifts.
We posed after we wrapped them. Katie, Emily Rose (standing) and I. I love what is in the box on my lap. So CUTE!!! (that will be a post for another day)

We got all ready and hid behind the wall to surprise him. Then we sent him up to get Andy and he brought down some of the other kids, Joey and Blue.
(Baby Jaguar photo bombed this also, haha just noticed.)

Mom made Andy some pajamas that are red and cowboy print and found him a cowboy hat. We also got him a few toys some mystery pack action figures and a My Little Pony. He had a great day and loved his gifts.

Avery got his My Little Pony Train he was dying for. I think he is going to buy himself Canterlot Wedding set  with his birthday money because it is the only thing that is out that he does not have other than the play sets he missed because they were not out for long. Mommy learned that the hard way that she needs to get that stuff as soon as she sees it.

Poppa gave Avery his one gift early, his swim fin, and he got a watch and The Lorax.

Then we all went to Friendly's for dinner since Avery didn't want any more cake. He had cupcakes at his birthday party and at school. (Poppa was sad he wanted more birthday cake. Avery is not a cake person though.) I love Wattamelon Sherbert, so you know what I had.

We had fun with our birthday boys. He hugged us all.

I hope someone gets me some shoes for my birthday. I love shoes.

Well gotta run,
Beth <3

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Beach! Woooooo

Wow we had a great weekend, Rose, Katie, Emily, Kendall, Andy and I got to visit Kanani and we gave her Mom the new bed we made. The boys and I got to go to the beach. I have been waiting all summer to get to the beach. It was lovely.

We are sitting on the blankets soaking up some rays. I want to go back soon. I felt like such a beach babe in my swimsuit with my blonde hair. Wish I had some tan but that didn't happen. Mom used SPF of 90 on us all. She burns bad, and is a bit over protective of our skin.

I am a happy girl.

Love ,
 Beth <3

Sunday, August 19, 2012

How Mom and I built the bed.... Kanani themed

Over the last few weeks Mom, Ryan, Poppa and I began a project. We built a bed for our friend Kanani. Here is the finished bed. OMG soo cozy. Wish I got to keep it.

Here is what we did.
We found these tiki plastic shot glasses at the dollar tree. Originally we thought that we'd leave them clear  and use the 4 blue with maybe some led lights, well... that plan changed when we shopped for the fabric. We found pink orange and magenta hawaiian print fabric, so the blue legs were not going to work.

We painted the glasses with Nutmeg brown apple barrel paint. Very thin coats, and it took about 3 layers to cover the plastic parts. 

We then sanded and painted the board we got at AC Moore that was 12x 24.

 and we clear coated all the legs and the board when the brown paint was dry.
For the headboard, we used Modge Podge fabric and we used cutouts from the scraps of fabric and bonded it to the wood we chose for the headboard. I only wish the board we chose was a bit bigger.
After the fabric was well attached we coated with Royal Coat but regular Modge Podge would work as well. I had Royal Coat at home. Mom did not think that it was building fast enough because we were looking for a high shine, like a wood surf board with a decal look. So we coated it with two coats of Polyurethane.

Mom made the bedding in a similar fashion as I did the bedding for the crayon bed I did make one change, and I made a quilt for this bed in replacement of the blanket.

I helped by testing the merchandise. (lol)
Poppa cut a dowel that fit tight in the end of the shot glass and Mom and Ryan glued the wood to the plastic with a glue that required contact a store brand of contact cement. 

After we had that done, on both the flat part of the leg at the top (aka the part you drink from ) and on the bottom of the bed we glued and made the contact adhesive work, we only did 2 of the legs at a time so the glue did not set up too quick on us.Poppa screwed the legs to the bed. We covered all the screws with some tacky glue so they would be more smooth on the top .

Mom also made some under the bed storage boxes. To learn how to do this go here. Super easy project. Your humans might like this project for other things, like themselves. 

Kanani and her mom loved it. Kanani couldn't wait to try it out.

If you build a bed in a similar way show is we'd love to see it/

Friday, August 17, 2012

I love shopping....

Hi Everyone, I am taking a quick break from Birthday Party Prep with mom to shop. (My brother Avery's birthday party is on Saturday.)

Click all the purple links to see what I am looking at.

I am a girl. I love to shop and I love clothing. I just found a gorgeous (but out of my little budget) slip I would love to own. I think that it would make me feel so grown up. The Slip is available on Etsy.

I found a winter coat that I would love. I love the look of a shearling coat. How adorable is this?

Ohh my friend Kanani would love this dress. This is so her. (see, not only shopping for me, lol.)

Ohh so edgy, this outfit is me. I do see my self as a mini fashionista.

I just found the cutest summer skirt that I know my younger cousins would absolutely love. It is very affordable. Cute, Cute, Cute.

Ohhh I want to buy this baseball outfit for Andy. He has a bat, ball and glove, and cleats already. How cute and NOT PINK. Love it!.

Well, I need this! It has my Bonnie on it. (We have a real Scottie Dog, and she is nice to all of us 18 inch kids, she has not chewed any fingers or toes.)

Snoopy! I love love love Snoopy. I think I would mix this up though. I'd wear the T with jeans or a jean skirt and I would wear the pants with a white shirt.

Well mom needs to print some party stuff so I have to get off her laptop/

Bye and happy shopping!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Contest....another contest

I am a faithful follower of

Karen mom of three's craft blog

and I thought that you'd love to enter her latest contest. 
It is an outfit from 123 Mulberry Street.

Get the details here.

Say Hi to Jillian her (doll)  guest blogger for me.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Contest....check it out

Wow, I'd love another sister. I would like Kaya to be my sister, or Julie, Ivy, or Rebecca. I'd also like the doll known as number 24 for a sister, and Caroline is so pretty. McKenna is almost my twin, we'd be so cool together... oh wait what? Darn these guys would cost a lot of money to adopt. Wish we could get them all.

Want a chance to win one of them? (I'd tell you that the Elizabeth American Girl doll is the best and you should pick her but she's retired. I was Elizabeth in my former life. I had the fancy gowns, pincurls, Felicity... ahh I was so beautiful when I was new. Now I am living a modern life as Beth and I do love it here. Those Colonial gowns were restrictive.)

If you would like to win a doll go to The Doll Wardrobe Blog  and read the rules. Enter if you're 18 or get a parent (or two) and a grandma, aunt, uncle, grandpa. neighbor, anyone who loves you to help you out as it is one entry per person.

I think I would pick Kaya. No, Julie, Ivy? Well I guess I should stop the self torture as to who I would add to the family first.

Go, Enter!

Beth <3

Monday, August 13, 2012

Give Away News

Well I have been trolling the net again, (Mom was not looking so I got on her computer again, shhh) and I found another give away so I thought that I should tell my friends about it.

Soo you need to check out this blog. Day Dream Doll Boutique. They have an online store as well. and you can find that in here.

I want some of the furniture (and my own room). I want this. I also want the dressertower, vanity, and bed.

They even have something that would work for Andy, how cool is this wind breaker ? I think he might like that in green. He'd love the red hoodie.  He has quite a few pair of shoes and he'd like these sneakers.

As for me, I have a shoe problem... so I want these, silver sneakersleopard booties, shaggy bootsred plaid, and the ruby slippers. I love all the clothes in Super Trendy department.

Well have fun entering, shopping and reading this cool blog. If you win, tell me.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

NOOO back to school supplies...

While I love new school supplies, I also dread getting them this means back to school.... Mom brought some home today, and she brought an activity book as well. (Factory Card Outlet .25 cents each) We got composition books and note pads. Still need some new pencils. Then we will be all set for our home school to start. We do much of it on computer so we need very little actual paper.

Well as the end of summer looms on, I guess I best get going in hopes that I can enjoy some more of it before it is gone.

Beth <3

My Brother's Birthday Gift

August 30th is my brother Andy's birthday. He is going to be 7. He got his camping gear for his birthday and we gave him that early. He is also getting a new pet. He decided he wanted a bird. While he was out with Kendall this afternoon, Mom and I had the bird out here at home, and we were playing with him. We have to keep the bird hidden and since it is a parrot this is hard. He says "Hello" often. We have to keep him at a friends house until Andy's big day. He is also getting another kitten. Andy really loves his animals. He has a horse and a cat named Ginger and fish and hamsters and now a second cat and a bird. Andy is going to have a zoo soon. 

For a kid turning 7, he is very responsible. He has a high IQ and he does need some help with caring for his zoo, but he is very good about it. He can do much of it on his own. He needs help with cleaning the litter pans, stable, and food dishes, but he knows how much food they are suppose to get. I believe he will grow up to do something with animals. Maybe he will be a vet. He is home schooled and he breezes through his work, it comes easy to him. Then he can care for all his pets and he plays with them. I have a great brother. This guy will get a bunch of love. All the other kids enjoy Andy's pets too.

Our humans have a dog, she is a scottie dog named Bonnie, and Bonnie, it would seem had pet sea-monkeys. (Ok they were my Human brother's but they need to get indirect sunlight and the best place is the kitchen window sill and Bonnie stands up at the window sill and watches them, so we joke they are her pets now, lol)

I'll add more pet pictures this week, I promise!

Do you have many pets, just one, or none?

Friday, August 10, 2012

My sister Rosemarie and my brother Andy's backyard camping

Meet Rosemarie...

She is my newest sister. We either call her Rose or Roza for short. She is a very kind person. Today, our human brother went to camp and our doll brother Andy felt left out. Rose set up the tent in our yard and took Andy camping in our yard. I took photos of them, because it was so cute.
Rose is a bit older than both Andy and myself. She already knows how to shoot an arrow. Rose is really great at Archery, so she took some time to teach Andy.
One of Andy favorite foods is hot dogs, so Rose cooked them for their dinner over the campfire she built in the yard. Andy thought they were the best hot dogs he ever ate.
She served them some healthy bananas because she decided to keep the camp out food simple.
They used the camp fire pop corn popper to pop some delicious pop corn. It gets a smokey flavor when you cook it on the camp fire. Then Rose put it in a bowl so they did not burn themselves on the hot popper.
No camp out is complete with out toasting marshmallows.

And, when you toast marshmallows, then you need to make them into smores.
It was getting to be Andy's bed time, so Rose and Andy crawled into the tent to go to sleep. I then came in to upload the camera, of course :). I don't camp. I am far to girly to enjoy that.

Rose is much tougher than I am. She already graduated from St. Vladimirs Academy and she is employed already as a body guard for a queen. Andy is very safe tonight.

Well I hope you enjoyed meeting my newest sister.
Beth <3