
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Photo Editing fun...

So it is nearly October and I along with my doll and human siblings are thinking and talking about Halloween. I love Halloween, being something else for a while is fun. My one brother really likes to be things that are not alive , such as a board game, a lego brick, an ice cream cone, an M&M... and yes he really has been all these things in the past. My other human brother has been less crazy things, a doctor, Woody from Toy Story, Hedwig from Harry Potter, and he was also a Lego brick and a M&M, but that was because the older one talked him into going as a set.  Even my doll brother Andy has dressed up as a Lego brick, that is a household favorite. I have a princess and a native american costume that I share with my 2 sisters. So you just know we need to find a third costume before we have a fight. Technically, we have 2 of the medevil gowns so we can both wear one of them, one is sleeveless the other has sleeves but they are identical otherwise. Last year I went as a paper doll, how funny is that? A doll dressed as a paper doll, LOL! That costume was just poster board so it has been recycled since it was a bit creased. Hard to sit in that I tell you.

So here is the easiest way to costume, take an existing photo of yourself and Halloween edit it! Picmonkey has some cool tools!

I am so ready for my Twilight audition, I want to play the bad Vampire that is hunting Bella and starts the newborn army called Victoria, and I have the hair for it.

For this one all I have to scream is "I'm Melting, I'm Melting" Wicked Witch, eat your heart out.

Or I could be a she demon.

I am just in a Halloween scene in the next photo.

Haha on this one I just changed my eyes... but I like it.

and the photo of the hour, ZOMBIE! A doll zombie is funny. "BRAAAIIINS BRAAAIIINS"

If you edit yourself send me a link I'd love to see you Halloweened up.

Love <3


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